EXECUTIVES BRIEFING on Creating 5S Culture

to get the same perception and commitment from top management and all levels of leadership to support the successful of 5S company-wide

Improving Productivity and Raising Work Efficiency through KAIZEN 5S

to get a provision to begin the 5S implementation likewise to improve the quality of the 5S application currently being implemented

Organizing 5S in the OFFICE, how to make it 'Faster – Better – Easier – Cost-Effective'

to improve the quality of service and to eliminate the non value-added activities in the office

5S in LABORATORY: for better Service Quality

to improve quality through greater visibility of mistakes and increased productivity

5S for Maintenance WORKSHOP and STORE: advance towards Maintenance Excellence

to eliminate sources of contamination and freeing up time for pro-active maintenance

5S at your WAREHOUSE: Improvements to Boost Efficiency

to satisfy the customers' needs and requirements while utilizing space, equipment, and manpower effectively

5S Internal AUDIT : Raising the Quality of Implementation

to conduct a systematic audit and to prepare for the implementation of company-wide 5S audit program

5S DIAGNOSIS : A Picture of Our Workplace at Current State

to collect data and actual facts in the shopfloor to facilitate management in setting priorities for improvement

ADVANCED 5S : Take 5S To The Next Level

to introduce several techniques from other disciplines to make work easier, faster, safer and more efficient

Formulir-formulir KAIZEN

Contoh Formulir KAIZEN (Format A4)

Contoh Formulir Poka-Yoke (Format A4)

Contoh Formulir Pemecahan Masalah (Format A3)

Contoh Formulir Value Stream Mapping (Format A3)

Cakrawijaya 5R - January 06, 2010

Eliminasi MUDA

Eliminasi MUDA adalah salah satu cara yang paling efektif untuk meningkatkan keuntungan perusahaan. Proses dalam menghasilkan barang maupun jasa bisa saja berupa menambahkan nilai atau sebaliknya melakukan pemborosan.

Dalam mengeliminasi pemborosan, sangatlah penting memahami jenis pemborosan apa dan dimana terjadinya.

Langkah-langkah Eliminasi MUDA :
  1. Persiapan penerapan
  2. Identifikasi item pemborosan
  3. Formulir : Lembar Periksa Pemborosan.
  4. Mengumpulkan data dan membuat laporan biaya dari pemborosan
  5. Analisa biaya dari pemborosan dan merencanakan eliminasi MUDA
  6. Melaksanakan dan memantau kegiatan eliminasi MUDA
  7. Estimasi penghematan biaya dan standarisasi

Cakrawijaya 5R - January 05, 2010

W e l c o m e !

"Terima kasih, Anda telah berada di beranda rumah Shopfloor Improvement Specialist , disinilah tempat berbagi pengetahuan & pengala...